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Corporate Social Responsibility 

We have proven work experience with third sector entities, NGOs, positioning and differentiating them. We have developed a way of working alongside in a collaborative way, which has extended our expertise. We are enormously proud of joining efforts. 


Parallelly, we know how to identify the values attached to projects and organisations, which may add value to our clients. We promote co-creation and we help to create synergies that result in alliances. We offer our creativity to develop communication strategies to promote them. 


Nowadays, people who run a company or offer a service, apart from making profits, sharing their vision and mission with the members of their organization and stakeholders, they must have a purpose to make this  world a better place. A real purpose that goes beyond the purpose of the company. ASDG, sustainability, Circle Economy, The New Economy are good examples of Corporate Social Responsibility. However, the intention is not enough, it is important to establish a plan of Corporate Social Responsibility, which involves all the members of the organisation and the stakeholders. 


In Orbyce Communication, we create a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plan based on the values shared in the organisation, and we use the internal communication to disseminate them. We control their implementation and dissemination through external communication documents, where they are included: sustainability reports, leaders’ press releases or stakeholders’ statements. 


The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a way of acting, and running an organization, which takes into consideration the impact that its actions has on its clients, employees, shareholders, stakeholders and in the society in order to create a better world. Corporate Social Responsibility is more than being altruistic, having good practice or being socially responsible. It requires constant, proactive and voluntary commitment from the organization to achieve its strategic goals with ethical responsibility and social and environmental development objectives. The management of the Corporate Social Responsibility must be transversal, in accordance with the identity of the company and included in the business and communication strategy. 

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